6 Simple steps to start a meditation practise for beginners
Learning to meditate and training yourself to develop a daily practise is the best thing you could ever do for yourself. There are more and more studies being carried out now around the benefits and scientific research backing up the claims that were always made about the power of meditation.
I truly believe that meditation should be an integral part of our daily lives in order to really work from our highest potential and to thrive in life.
1. The easiest way is to follow a guided meditation. There are many on Youtube - You can just type 'meditation for .........' and it will give you many options depending on what you're looking for. For example meditation for beginners, a calm mind, meditation for over thinking, for focus, for relaxation, anxiety, for manifesting your dreams etc. Years ago I began my meditation practise with Mindfulness meditation following Jon Kabat-Zinn, who began the Mindfulness movement. I would highly recommend beginning with this. (Of course, you can also check out mine on Youtube @LisaFearonCoaching - And make sure you subscribe to get new meditations!)
2. Next step to develop your meditation practise (after following guided meditations), is to play relaxing music for 5 or 10 minutes and gradually increasing to however long you want to do it for, and practise just letting your mind relax to it. (releasing thoughts as they come in and eventually, with practise, you will experience a clear mind, free of thoughts - which is where the magic really happens.) Again you can search on Youtube for music for meditation. I would highly recommend Jonathan Goldman, also on Spotify.
3. Meditate in the morning and set your intentions of how you want your day to be - to bring that energy through into your day. Starting out with a calm, balanced, focused mind will mean you are more likely to have that kind of day. (Starting out in a rush, unprepared for your day ahead will leave you feeling off balance and your day will unfold in the same way.)
4. Yoga - Starting with even a short 5 minutes of yoga in the morning before your meditation will begin the process of coming out of your head and stay present in just being in the now.
5. Breathing. Focusing on your breathing for a few minutes allows you to relax and shifts your focus away from your thoughts. It's a really simple practise in not allowing thoughts to control you, and trains your mind in staying focused along with being free from thought. By learning how to relax our breathing to move into calmer states of being, we are able to control our emotional state better - so things don't affect us so easily.
6. Meditate in the evening for the best quality sleep. Allowing yourself to drift into sleep with relaxing the mind, whether with meditative music or guided meditation will allow your subconscious mind to really let go. What we do/ read / watch / think about in the last half hour before sleep really affects how we feel the next day. And even affects how well our day will go. The worst thing we can do before we go to sleep is to go over the things of the day that didn't go well, allow ourselves to worry about problems or dwell on things of the past or fears of the future. As that is like inputting into our 'computer' mind what we want it to go over for 7 hours whilst we sleep. Which of course, will just heighten that as a problem in our subconscious.
These are really exciting times where we are realising just how much power and potential we hold within us. And now it's a case of learning how to tap into it! I am going to be sharing a few blogs guiding you into this, along with holding online zooms and programs. So keep following across my networks @LisaFearonCoaching
If you'd like to know more about how you can work with me contact me via the website or at lisa@lisafearoncoaching.com.